Set reminders and repeat reminders

On any message in the Activity chat you can add a reminder including repeat reminders.

Click the Reminder button for the message

Example on this message: 

This will open a popup to set the reminder.

Set the date, time, if you want a repeated reminder and who should receive the reminder in your team.

Then press the SET REMINDER button at the bottom of the popup.

When setting the date, click the first input field.  It reveals a calendar to choose a date. 

Today and Tomorrow are available as quick select buttons at the bottom of the calendar.

To pick a time click the second field which will reveal a time selector.

Pick first the AM or PM choice, followed by the Hour then minutes.  Minute values are in 15 minute quick select intervals.

You can also pick from a few preset times shown in buttons at the bottom of the time selector.

The following sections allow for choosing how often to receive a reminder for the activity message.

The default is only once.  Choices include daily, daily for 7 days, weekly, weekly for 4 weeks, monthly and annually. 

Then you can choose who to send the reminder to.

A list of all your team members will be provided to pick from.

If you want to send the reminder only to yourself, you can toggle the "Set the reminder to me only" button.

It is the same as only selecting you from the list of team members.

When the reminder is set, it will display inline at the bottom of the message in the activity chat.


You have the option to delete the reminder using the "Delete" link.  

Note: for repeat reminders:

There is an option for each team member who receives the reminder to opt-out of the repeated reminders by clicking to unsubscribe from a link provided in the email they receive. 

In the footer of the email look for:

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