Create a task from a customer order

There are 3 ways to insert an order into a task:

- From the order's detail page. 

- Inside ADVANCE when creating a new activity

- Also inside the app from the discussion page

First method: From the order's detail page:

On any customer order page you can send the order data to ADVANCE via a custom menu item from the drop down menu on that page. (First screenshot)

It will open the app and initiate a new task. An example is shown in the second screenshot.

There you can add a description and assign a team member to handle the task.  

Every task creates a dedicated chat or discussion page where you can post additional information, like follow up notes etc.  

From there you can also set a reminder and assign the reminder to team members.  (see how to set reminders here.)

Screenshot A1:

Screenshot A2:


Second method: Include customer orders when creating a new activity: 

In ADVANCE app when you open the Add Activity popup you will see a button to add orders on the top-right of the popup.

Click this button and the Select Order screen will open for you to insert order details into the new activity.

Just like with the above screenshot (A2) the orders will appear as cards and after creating the activity the cards will become the first post on the discussion page. 

Screenshot B:

Third method: Add customer orders from the discussion page: 

In ADVANCE app if you have a task set for something already and would like to include an order or multiple orders: 

In the Activity discussion page for that task, press the ORDER button at the bottom of the page and a popup will appear to show recent orders.  You can select the order(s) to insert as a snapshot into your task discussion.  

Please note that snapshots are intended to show the order at the time of taking it.  If you change anything with the order later, the snapshot remains unchanged and works as a historical view of the order which is useful for auditing purposes. 

Screenshot C1: 

The order will appear as this in the discussion:

Screenshot C2:

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